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The OpenStreetMap data files provided on this server do not contain the user names, user IDs and changeset IDs of the OSM objects because these fields are assumed to contain personal information about the OpenStreetMap contributors and are therefore subject to data protection regulations in the European Union.
Extracts with full metadata are available to OpenStreetMap contributors only.

Commonly Used Formats

Other Formats and Auxiliary Files

Sub Regions

Click on the region name to see the overview page for that region, or select one of the file extension links for quick access.

Sub Region Quick Links
Afghanistan [.osm.pbf](98 MB) []
Armenia [.osm.pbf](46.8 MB) []
Azerbaijan [.osm.pbf](40.0 MB) []
Bangladesh [.osm.pbf](310 MB) []
Bhutan [.osm.pbf](22.2 MB) []
Cambodia [.osm.pbf](33.9 MB) []
China [.osm.pbf](1.2 GB) not available
East Timor [.osm.pbf](16.2 MB) []
GCC States [.osm.pbf](221 MB) []
India [.osm.pbf](1.5 GB) not available
Indonesia (with East Timor) [.osm.pbf](1.5 GB) not available
Iran [.osm.pbf](206 MB) []
Iraq [.osm.pbf](79 MB) []
Israel and Palestine [.osm.pbf](109 MB) []
Japan [.osm.pbf](2.0 GB) not available
Jordan [.osm.pbf](28.2 MB) []
Kazakhstan [.osm.pbf](185 MB) []
Kyrgyzstan [.osm.pbf](43.5 MB) []
Laos [.osm.pbf](47.5 MB) []
Lebanon [.osm.pbf](47.3 MB) []
Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei [.osm.pbf](217 MB) []
Maldives [.osm.pbf](3.2 MB) []
Mongolia [.osm.pbf](54 MB) []
Myanmar (a.k.a. Burma) [.osm.pbf](198 MB) []
Nepal [.osm.pbf](380 MB) []
North Korea [.osm.pbf](73 MB) []
Pakistan [.osm.pbf](128 MB) []
Philippines [.osm.pbf](542 MB) []
Russian Federation [.osm.pbf](3.6 GB) not available
South Korea [.osm.pbf](228 MB) []
Sri Lanka [.osm.pbf](130 MB) []
Syria [.osm.pbf](66 MB) []
Taiwan [.osm.pbf](282 MB) []
Tajikistan [.osm.pbf](43.5 MB) []
Thailand [.osm.pbf](280 MB) []
Turkmenistan [.osm.pbf](19.2 MB) []
Uzbekistan [.osm.pbf](88 MB) []
Vietnam [.osm.pbf](293 MB) []
Yemen [.osm.pbf](40.0 MB) []

small flag of UK Not what you were looking for? Geofabrik is a consulting and software development firm based in Karlsruhe, Germany specializing in OpenStreetMap services. We're happy to help you with data preparation, processing, server setup and the like. Check out our web site and contact us if we can be of service.

small flag of Germany Nicht das Richtige dabei? Die Geofabrik ist ein auf OpenStreetMap spezialisiertes Beratungs- und Softwareentwicklungsunternehmen in Karlsruhe. Gern helfen wir Ihnen bei der Datenaufbereitung, Datenkonvertierung, Serverinstallation und ähnlichen Aufgaben. Besuchen Sie unsere Webseite und sprechen Sie mit uns, wenn wir Ihnen helfen können.